3 important things you should include while taking care of your mind
- Take time to check in with yourself every day.
If you like journaling, spend a few minutes at the end of each day reflecting over what went well, how you felt, and anything that was upsetting. If you aren’t a fan of writing things down, take a minute to reflect on your day.
Ask yourself these types of questions:
- What made me happiest today?
- What are the positives in my life that happened today?
- Did i over think about anything?
- Did i go through any disturbing thoughts?
- Set boundaries for your time and space so you can take care of yourself.
A boundary can be set between you and another person, or it can be set to protect your time.
Here are some common ways you can set up healthy boundaries in your life:
- Manage work stress by prioritising to do list.
- Dont give importance to your phone when you’re with loved ones so you aren’t distracted from what’s happening in the present.
- Say No to the people who takes advantage of you.
3.Challenge yourself to learn something new rather than keeping yourself in comfort zone.
An engaged and challenged mind is going to be a lot healthier than one that is bored. Pick up a new hobby, learn a new language, travel someplace you’ve never been before, take a class at your local community college, join a gym, or do something else that you’ve always been curious about.
If you start learning something new and find it isn’t for you, that’s okay! Don’t force yourself to continue. Let it go and choose something new to focus on.
Remember, mind and body are connected so, if you take care of your mind, you can take care of your body as well.
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