

Lets Evolve Foundation
KAIZEN Lets Evolve Together logo

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get support with sexuality and relationships?

Some people might not know who they can talk to about sexuality and relationships.
It is helpful to talk to someone you trust about how you feel.
If it is hard to talk to a friend or your family, our therapists are always there to help you.

Can I use your logo?

It’s fantastic that you’re raising awareness of mental health, but unfortunately, we won’t be able to supply our logo. We have a policy on where our branding assets (logo, color pattern, etc.) can be used, as using our logo implies we have worked closely on a project from the beginning and been involved in all its different aspects. We hope you can understand. You can email us if you would like to collaborate with us on any project, event, or campaign.

How will I communicate with my therapist?

You can get therapy in different ways:

  • Chatting live with your therapist
  • Speaking over the phone with your therapist
  • Video conferencing with your therapist

You can use different ways at different times as you wish, based on your needs, availability, and convenience.

Is Kaizen's online counseling confidential and secure?

Kaizen ensures that your information is kept highly confidential and secure and will not be shared with anyone. We ensure your privacy, and all the information will be kept confidential with your therapist. You can express yourself freely with full trust and openness. Kaizen provides you with a safe space to be your own true self without any fear of judgment.

Will the same therapist be assigned to me if I choose to continue with more sessions?

Yes, the same therapist will be assigned to you every time you wish to continue more with Kaizen. If you wish to have a new therapist or counsellor, we will look into your request and may consider it.

How can I work with Kaizen?

It’s fantastic that you’re interested in working for Kaizen. All our current opportunities can be found on our vacancies page, where you can see if there are any suitable roles for you.

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